Timeline of King Edward II

Picture of King Edward II

Timeline of King Edward II

  • Middle Ages era, period, life, age and times
  • Interesting Facts and information about Timeline of King Edward II in the Middle Ages
  • Timeline of King Edward II
  • Major events in the history via the time line
  • Key dates and events in this time line

Timeline of King Edward II
The Middle Ages encompass one of the most exciting and bloodthirsty periods in English and European History.

This comprehensive Timeline of King Edward II of the Medieval period details the major events significant to the lives and events of famous people who lived during this era. Key dates provide a fast and simple way to cover history via the Timeline of King Edward II. Dates of great events and dates relating to the births, deaths and the durations of reigns. Dates of all of the major events and people who were important are briefly explained in the Timeline of King Edward II. The fastest way to obtain interesting facts, history and information on the times of the Medieval era.


Timeline of King Edward II

Biography of King Edward II

Timeline of Key Dates: Timeline of King Edward II

Key events

r.1307 -1327: King Edward II Reigned as King of England from July 7, 1307 - 20 January,1327. He was the son of King Edward I of England by his first wife Eleanor of Castile
1284: King Edward II was born on April 25, 1284 at Caernarvon Castle

1284: Prince Edward was the first English prince to hold the title of the Prince of Wales

1300: King Edward I chose Piers Gaveston as a suitable companion to Prince Edward

Piers Gaveston tuned out to be a terrible influence on Prince Edward and they were believed are believed to have had a homosexual relationship. King Edward was furious and banished Piers Gaveston to France

1307: King Edward I died on July 7, 1307

1307: Edward succeeded to the throne of England on July 7, 1307 and immediately recalled Piers Gaveston from France who he created the Earl of Cornwall to the fury of the English court

1308: January 25: King Edward II married Isabella of France the daughter of King Philip IV of France, "Philip the Fair. They had four children: Edward (later King Edward III), John, Earl of Cornwall, Eleanor of Woodstock and Jeanne of the Tower

1311: The power of the decadent King was curbed by the Barons and the Parliamnet

1312: English barons, headed by the king's cousin Thomas, Earl of Lancaster, went to war against King Edward II and Piers Gaveston

1312: 19 June 1312: Piers Gaveston was murdered.

1314: Robert the Bruce was laying siege to Stirling Castle
1314: June 1314: Edward led an army into Scotland to relieve Stirling Castle

1314: June 24: Battle of Bannockburn. King Edward II was totally defeated by Robert the Bruce who subsequently devastated the northern counties of England

1318: Hugh the younger Despenser replaced the role of Piers Gaveston. Edward gave him the title of the Earl of Gloucester

1321: Parliament, led by Thomas of Lancaster, had Hugh le Despenser and his son banished.

1322: War with the Barons: Edward recalled the Despensers from exile, and defeated Lancaster at Boroughbridge. Lancaster was executed at Pontefract.

1322 - 1327: The Despensers effectively ruled England

1325: Queen Isabella went to France to negotiate a solution to the disputes. Her eldest son, Edward of Windsor accompanied her.

1325: Queen Isabella formed a liaison with Roger Mortimer and plotted against the decadent Edward and was determined to expel the Despensers

1326: 4 September 1326:  Isabella landed in Essex accompanied by Roger Mortimer and her son Edward

1326: October 2 : King Edward fled from London who supported Isabella

1326: November 16: King Edward was and imprisoned in Monmouth Castle

1327: January King Edward II was forced to abdicate in favour of his son Edward who became King Edward III

1327: April 3: The deposed Edward was imprisoned in Berkeley Castle

1327: King Edward II died on September 21, 1327 where he suffered a terrible death

Timeline of King Edward II
Each section of this Middle Ages website addresses all topics and provides interesting facts and information about these great people and events in bygone Medieval times including the Timeline of King Edward II. The Sitemap provides full details of all of the information and facts provided about the fascinating subject of the Middle Ages!

Timeline of King Edward II

  • Middle Ages era, period, life, age and times
  • Interesting Facts and information about Timeline of King Edward II in the Middle Ages
  • Timeline of King Edward II
  • Major events in the history via the Timeline of King Edward II
  • Key dates and events in this time line

Timeline of King Edward II

Timeline of King Edward II - Information - Timelines - Time Line - Time Lines - Facts - Middle Ages Timeline Info - Information about Middle Ages Timeline -  History of Middle Ages Timeline - Key people - Key Dates - Timelines - Time Line - Time Lines - Interesting Facts and information with key dates - Medieval era - Medieval period - History - Timelines - Time Line - Time Lines - Facts - Middle Ages Timeline Info - Information about Middle Ages Timeline -  History of Middle Ages Timeline - Key people - Key Dates - Timelines - Time Line - Time Lines - Interesting Facts and information with key dates - Medieval era - Medieval period - History - Timeline of King Edward II - Written By Linda Alchin