Middle Ages PeopleThe Middle Ages was a turbulent and violent period. The famous Middle Ages people included authors such as Geoffrey Chaucer, great leaders such as Robert the Bruce, William Wallace (Braveheart), Hereward the Wake and John of Gaunt. Famous People of the Middle Ages Great religious leaders who played important roles in the church during the Middle Ages such as Jan Hus, John Wycliffe and Erasmus. The men who were pretenders to the throne of England such as Lambert Simnel and Perkin Warbeck. The most famous people of the Middle Ages were undoubted the Medieval Kings of England and these have been included in separate sections - as have the most famous women of the Middle Ages. The following links provide access to short biographies, facts, dates, events and the history of all of the important and most famous people from the Middle Ages. Famous People: Facts and Biographies Famous People: Facts and Biographies Famous People of the Middle Ages - Marco Polo, famous explorer Facts and a short biography with key dates about the life story of this important Medieval explorer who travelled to Cathay (China) Persia and Japan. The life story and his autobiography was called 'The Travels of Marco Polo' or 'Il Milione' provided inspiration for many other explorers including Christopher Columbus. Marco Polo was one of the most famous Middle Ages people. Famous People: Johann Gutenberg, famous inventor Facts and a short biography with key dates about the life story of this important Medieval figure who was famous as the inventor of the art of printing with movable types. He was another of the well known Middle Ages people. Famous People of the Middle Ages - Frederick Barbarossa, King of Germany and Crusader Facts and a short biography with key dates about the life story of this important Medieval figure who was famous for Fighting in the Third Crusade 1189 - 1192. He was another of the well known Middle Ages people. Famous People: - Joan of Arc, led France to victory during the Hundred Years War Facts and a short biography with key dates about the life story of this important Medieval figure who was famous for rousing the French against the English during the Hundred Years War. Joan of Arc was one of the most famous Middle Ages people. Famous People: - Peter the Hermit, Religious Crusader Facts and a short biography with key dates about the life story of this important Medieval figure who was famous for leading the People's Crusade - The First Crusade 1096 - 1099. He was another of the well known Middle Ages people. Famous People of the Middle Ages - Robert the Bruce, Famous King of Scotland Facts and a short biography with key dates about the life story of this important Medieval figure who was famous as the greatest Scottish King, the story of Robert the Bruce and the spider and his victory at the Battle of Bannockburn in 1314. Famous People of the Middle Ages - William Wallace, Braveheart, hero of Scotland Facts and a short biography with key dates about the life story of this important Medieval figure who was famous for leading a Scottish rebellion against King Edward I of England, a great Scottish hero. He was another of the well known Middle Ages people. Famous People: - Thomas Becket, Saint and Archbishop of Canterbury Facts and a short biography with key dates about the life story of this important Medieval figure who was famous as the Archbishop of Canterbury whose quarrels with King Henry II of England led to his murder in Canterbury Cathedral in 1170. Thomas Becket was one of the most famous Middle Ages people. Famous People of the Middle Ages - Thomas Aquinas, a great theologian of the Catholic Church Facts and a short biography with key dates about the life story of this important Medieval figure who was famous as one of the greatest theologians of the Catholic Church. He was another of the well known Middle Ages people. Famous People of the Middle Ages - Roger Bacon, Scientist, inventor and philosopher Facts and a short biography with key dates about the life story of this important Medieval figure who was famous as a scientist, inventor, philosopher and advocate of the modern scientific method. Roger Bacon was one of the most famous Middle Ages people. Famous People: Jack Cade, leader of English rebellion (Peasants Revolt) Facts and a short biography with key dates about the life story of this important Medieval figure who was famous for leading the peasants in the Kent rebellion of 1450. He was another of the well known Middle Ages people. Famous People of the Middle Ages - Lambert Simnel, pretender to the throne of England Facts and a short biography with key dates about the life story of this important Medieval figure who was famous as a pretender to the throne of England ruled by King Henry VII of England - The original claim was that he was Richard Duke of York ( one of the Princes in the Tower ) The major claim was that he was Edward, Earl of Warwick the son of George, Duke of Clarence. Famous People: Perkin Warbeck, pretender to the throne of England Facts and a short biography with key dates about the life story of this important Medieval figure who was famous as a pretender to the English throne, assuming the identity of Richard Duke of York (one of the Princes in the Tower) during the reign of King Henry VII of England. He was another of the well known Middle Ages people. Middle Ages People Each section of this Middle Ages website addresses all topics and provides interesting facts and information about these great monuments to bygone times. The Sitemap provides full details of all of the information and facts provided about the fascinating subject of Middle Ages! Famous People of the Middle Ages - El Cid, Famous Spanish hero A short biography with key dates about the life story of this important Medieval figure who was famous as one of the greatest heroes of Spain. El Cid was one of the most famous Middle Ages people. Famous People of the Middle Ages - Tamerlane, leader of the Monguls Facts and a short biography with key dates about the life story of this important Medieval figure who was famous as the Mongul Conqueror who restored the Mongol Empire established by Genghis Khan. He was another of the well known Middle Ages people. Famous People of the Middle Ages - William Tell, hero of Switzerland The legend of this important Medieval figure who was famous as the National hero of Switzerland. His legend tells how he shot an apple from the head of his son. He was another of the well known Middle Ages people. Famous People of the Middle Ages - John of Gaunt Facts and a biography of John of Gaunt was a famous Plantagenet Prince. He was another of the well known Middle Ages people. Famous People of the Middle Ages - Peter Abelard Facts and a short bio of Peter Abelard, Medieval Scholar and lover of Heloise. He was another of the well known Middle Ages people. Famous People of the Middle Ages - Blondel the Minstrel Blondel the Minstrel, the famous Medieval minstrel of legend who found the captive King Richard the Lionheart. He was another of the well known Middle Ages people. Middle Ages People- Middle Ages people, period, life, age and times
- Famous People of the Middle Ages
- Important People of the Middle Ages
- Life Story and Biography of famous Medieval people
- Famous People in Medieval Europe and England - Middle Ages People
- Artists, Clerics, Crusaders, Diplomats
- Philosophers & Theologians, Scientists, Physicians, Engineers, Mathematicians, Writers & Poets and Reformers